Reviewing Campaign Details 

The ThruTalk campaign details page is where admins can go to manage their phone bank and view the results of a campaign. In this guide, we'll review each section available from this page.


ThruTalk Active Campaign Details

Once a campaign has launched, it will be listed as active. On the Campaign Index page, you can click on any campaign's name to view individual campaign details. 

A screenshot of the basic details of a ThruTalk campaign in black text on a white background.


  • The edit button allows you to update certain fields after launching the campaign. The editable fields include the following: Name, Description, Time zone, End date, Daily open time, and Daily close time.

Screenshot of the blue "Edit" link to the right of the "Review Campaign" header on a beige background.


  • The First field will be your Campaign's Name.
  • The Second field is your Campaign's Description.

Screenshot of a campaign's name and description. To the right is a green tag with white text, "Active"

Campaign: Times & Dates

  • Start Date: The date selected for your campaign to start and be active.
  • End Date: The date selected for when your campaign will end and no longer be active.
  • Time Zone: Your chosen time zone will determine your dialing hours (see below).
  • Open Hours: These are the times your calls can go out. (These are reflected in the time zone chosen above.) Read more about dialing hours in our Understanding Dialing Hour Enforcement guide.
  • Regions: This will show you which Area Codes you selected when setting up your campaign.

Screenshot of a campaign's times and dates with its timezone in black text on a white background.

Target Your Campaign

  • Total Contacts: Total number of available contacts for calling. This number is reflected from the group(s) selected while setting up the campaign.
    • To determine total calls completed, you can view your remaining dials from the Campaign Index page and subtract that from the Total Contacts total.
  • Segments: These are the groups attached to this campaign, either added or removed. Clicking on the link will bring you to the Groups Details Page.
  • Dial Ordering: Order in which calls will cycle through. Either Last Name Ascending or Descending. 
  • Script: This is the active script that you selected for your campaign. Clicking the link will bring you to the script builder. (Only limited edits are available after launching a campaign for data purposes.)

Screenshot of 1 item in a list of segments. The name of the segment is to the right of a green tag with white text: "Add"

Share Your Invite

  • This link can be used to have callers add themselves to a ThruTalk campaign. The callers will need to be existing users before being able to use the link. Here are helpful guides to learn more about the campaign invitation link or sending out user invites.

Screenshot of the Share Your Invite Link header above a blue link. To the right is a button to copy the link and a green 'link' icon.

Export Button

  • The Export button will bring you to the Exports page for the campaign. Using this option, you can generate an export of all dials completed within the campaign.
  • If an export is run during calling, calls within the last 5 minutes may not be present in the csv.
  • NOTE Exporting is available on active and archived campaigns.

Archive Button

  • After a campaign has been launched, it can be archived. This will mean calls can no longer be made within the campaign. This will also remove it from your Active Campaigns list and add it to the Archived Campaigns list. This action cannot be undone.

Screenshot of a duo of magenta buttons with white text "Export" and "Archive".



  • The PatchThru section is only visible on campaigns that had PatchThru targets added before launching.
  • On the Campaign Details page, admins can view the list of PatchThru targets.
  • Below the PatchThru target list, a set of analytics is shown.
    • PatchThrus - the number of successful PatchThru connections.
    • Failed Attempts - the number of failed PatchThru connections.
    • Average Duration - average length of time between successful connection to a PatchThru target to when the contact and PatchThru target end their connection

Screenshot of a list of PatchThru Targets in black and grey text on a white table above three boxes of PatchThru analytics.


Total Callers

  • This shows the first and last name(s) of all the callers you have selected to call on this campaign.
  • Next to the names of each caller is their real-time calling status.
  • NOTE - Callers cannot be removed from a campaign once selected.

Screenshot of 1 caller in the Total Callers list with their caller status, which has a grey dot next to the word, "Offline."

Please review our guide, Launching a ThruTalk Campaign, for information on campaign creation.