Adding survey questions in ThruText

Survey questions record the data that you want your texters to collect from your contacts. You can add as many survey questions as you want. Survey responses are not filled in automatically, and texters must record responses based on their conversations. 

ThruText has four types of survey questions: 

  • Yes/No
  • Multiple Choice (pick one) 
  • Checkboxes (pick many) 
  • Freeform (fill in the blank)

Please see our article about Global Survey Questions for information on account-level survey question creation.

Creating survey questions in campaigns

To create your survey question you can click the "Create New Question" button at the top of the page, or scroll to the bottom of the page.

Then, you can use the pulldown menu to select the type of question you want:

Screenshot the "Select a survey type" drop down expanded to show white text on a dark grey background. A magenta line denotes a focused choice.

For Multiple Choice and checkbox questions, add your survey answers by: 

  • You can specify all of the possible answers by adding each survey answer separately and then clicking "+Add another choice."

Screenshot of checkbox survey question creation with an example question and 4 example answers in white text input boxes in black text.

  • Or you can add all of your answers as a comma-separated string for easy survey building and then click "Add Question" and they generate as separate choices.

Screenshot of three sentence fragments separated by commas entered into the "Choices" text input box in black text on a white background.

When used, radio buttons (Multiple Choice and Yes/No questions) cannot be de-selected. Adding an option for "Undecided" to Multiple Choice surveys is a great way to work around this!

Similar to Recommended Replies, your Survey Questions' order can be changed by clicking and dragging the question by dragging and dropping the survey questions. You can encourage your senders to collect the most important data by moving those questions to the top of the list.

Once launched, Survey Questions cannot be deleted and only edited as a data preservation tactic.