Carrier verification of use cases

In February 2023, carriers began using manual verification for all use cases. This is an additional step to 10DLC after approval from The Campaign Registry (Brand Registration). Carriers are in complete control of this approval step, but GetThru is committed to helping your organization through this process. Please reach out to with any concerns.

What is "manual vetting"?

Manual vetting is a human check on a use case-by-use case basis when a use case is registered. A third-party manual vetting team ensures that an organization's website passes certain criteria. Added onto TCR's automated check, organizations cannot text until the entire process is completed, including manual verification.

What are carriers checking for?

Carriers need to verify that there is a place on an organization's website where a contact could knowingly add their contact information to a texting list and view a privacy policy that discloses how their information will be managed. The phone number collection field, opt-in message, and privacy policy are necessary for approval. For more details on the requirements, check out our guide Contact Source and Privacy Policy for 10DLC.

We also created this quiz to help you determine if your website fulfills the requirements for manual vetting: 10DLC Manual Vetting Requirements.

Is opt-in required to send texts?

While carriers only accept use case registration from organizations with opt-in forms, this doesn't mean that you can only text people who opt in. Opt-in is not a requirement for ThruText.

How do I pass manual vetting?

Carriers seek specific language on the same page as the phone number input field. Many organizations have chosen to update their websites so they will pass manual vetting. For website copy examples, refer to this guide's Use Case Registration subsections on the contact source URL and privacy policy.

Whose use cases are affected?

All new use cases require manual vetting. To check your use case's status, navigate to the Brand Registration page and check the color-coded bubbles in the Use Case Registration box. 

All currently approved use cases will need to be updated to current manual vetting standards. Please write to to check if your use case is up to date.

How long does manual vetting take?

Manual vetting is expected to take between 5 and 10 days. If you must have access to your use case within a week of submitting your application, please write to To avoid delays caused by failed manual vetting, update your organization's website with the exact language the carriers seek. (Examples are available here.)

How do I know when manual vetting is complete?

After an organization applies for a use case, GetThru sends automated emails as the application moves through manual vetting. Also, GetThru shows color-coded statuses next to the name of that Use Case on the Brand & Use Case Registration page. For more information on use case statuses, click here.

What happens if my use case fails manual vetting?

If your use case has been rejected, you will receive an automated notification. Your next step is to reach out to We will suggest options to edit the opt-in URL attached to your use case application. Please be aware that an appealed rejection will restart the manual vetting clock and add 5-10 days to use case approval.