Troubleshooting tips for Followup Messages

In this guide, we will go over common follow up messages questions and troubleshooting steps. For details on how to use the Followup messages feature, please check out our guide Follow Up Messages.

If your launched followup messages are not showing for senders, make sure to confirm your followup launch expiration date has not already ended, and that the targeted audience is over 0. 

Issue: You created your Followup Campaign, but senders do not see them populating the messenger.

Solution: This is a common issue that can arise when the follow up campaign is created, but the launch button is not selected from the campaign's "Followups" section. When a follow up is created, it processes as a draft and the launch button needs to be selected to move forward. Screenshot of black text on white background. On a line of text, at the far right are 3 blue vertical dots. A menu is expanded beneath the dots, the top option is "Launch"

Issue: You have set up multiple Followup campaigns that you want consecutively sent to the same target audience; however, everyone is receiving the most recent Followup campaign you launched.

Solution: By design, only one Followup message can be active at a time to the same target audience; the most recent Followup will override the others if multiple ones are launched at the same time to the same contacts. When targeting with multiple Followups, you can create draft Followups to have prepared to launch after the senders have finished sending the previous set of launched Followups.

Issue: You have a draft Followup campaign and have since had changes occur with the targeted contacts, but the audience size didn't change on the Followup campaign draft. For example, you set your Followup campaign targeting to only contacts that replied at least once, but since creating that draft Followup, more contacts have replied.

Solution: By design, the audience size doesn't automatically update when changes are made to the contacts targeting. To update your targeted base segment, click the three vertical dots > "Edit" and then click "Update Followup." When you view the audience size it will then reflect the updated number of contacts.Screenshot of campaign targeting showing 1 contact in the 1 group listed in black text on a grey background.

Issue: You have created your Followup campaign and clicked the "Save Followup" button. However, when you click "Launch" you receive a "Unable to launch the Followup right now" error.  

Solution: This will occur if the audience size for the Followup campaign is 0. There are two reasons the audience size may be listed as 0:

  1. The segment chosen when building your target doesn't include any contacts. For example, selecting only contacts who replied at least once to the past campaignbut there were no responses on the last campaign. You'll need to revise your targeting to ensure it includes at least 1 contact.
  2. When building your target list segment, the "Set Base Segment" button was not selected before clicking "Save Followup." You'll need to now add a segment and click "Set Base Segment" to correct this issue.