Archiving Campaigns

Archiving a campaign is the final step of administering a texting campaign. Once a campaign has been archived, users will no longer be able to send or receive any messages in their conversations for that campaign. Data from archived campaigns will be preserved; therefore, admins can still create exports, create targeted segments, or create a cloned campaign from an archived campaign. It is best practice to archive a campaign once all conversations have concluded, or an event or election has passed.


How to Archive a Campaign

To archive a campaign, you can click the Archive button on either the Campaign Overview page for Active campaigns or the Campaign Details page.

  • Active Campaigns Overview page
    • To archive a campaign from the Active campaigns list, click the 3 vertical dots in the "Details" column and then select "Archive" from the flyout menu.

  • Campaign Details page
    • Alternatively, the archive button is found on each campaign's details page. After opening an active campaign, the Archive button is located above the Campaign Analytics section.

After clicking Archive, campaigns are moved from the Active to the Archived Campaigns page.

Database Housekeeping

GetThru staff periodically archives campaigns that have an end date older than 90 days or if your use case has more than 49 active telephone numbers. A reminder e-mail is sent out before arching rounds to give admins sufficient notice. That e-mail will also provide instructions on how to exempt your campaign from being archived.

90 days

Archiving campaigns that are older than 90 days releases valuable phone numbers held in used campaigns that future campaigns could use. Campaigns that are older than 90 days have often completed their lifecycle, but you can always exempt your campaign from being archived if you receive a notification email.

> 49 Phone numbers

Downstream aggregators have recently informed us of new 10DLC restrictions limiting the number of individual phone numbers associated with a single 10DLC Use Case to 49. They’ve asked us to work with our clients to reduce the number of phone numbers associated with registered use cases. Because, in most cases, every ThruText campaign has its own sending phone number, having dozens of active campaigns at the same time means an account will approach these limits. 

At this time, notification emails are sent when an account approaches 49 numbers with an action date. After the action date, GetThru staff will archive the listed campaigns in the email. To avoid receiving a notification, an admin should periodically archive their unused campaigns.