Setting up GetThru VAN integrations

Are you interested in setting up a VAN integration with your ThruText and/or ThruTalk account? GetThru can sync to any version of NGP VAN (Voter Activation Network) including VoteBuilder, AmericaVotes, StateVoices, LAN (Labor Activation Network), EveryAction, and SmartVAN/Targetsmart using the process detailed below. After completing the following steps, you can successfully sync your GetThru and VAN data.

NOTE - If you've already set up your key in your GetThru account, jump to the next step.


Requesting your VAN keys

ThruText VAN Integration Setup

ThruTalk VAN Integration Setup

Setting up your VAN integration

Once you have generated your VAN key and set up your VAN folder, you can set up your integration in GetThru. To do so, open the Integrations page inside your GetThru account and navigate to the VAN Integration Wizard. Once you have input your key, check to make sure it is labeled "Valid" on the VAN Integration Details page. If you need to set up additional keys, re-enter the wizard from the VAN Integrations Overview page.

Creating groups from VAN

Now that you have a functioning key, you can see your saved lists on the External Contact List page. For details on accessing your ThruText and ThruTalk lists within your account and naming recommendations, please review our guide Contact Import - "Pull" a list from VAN via the External Contact List Page.

NOTE - If your External Contact List page does not have any lists, check that your key is marked "Valid" on the VAN Integrations Overview or Details pages. Then, confirm that your lists are Saved Lists rather than Dynamic Searches. If you're still having trouble, please write to [email protected].

Once your External Contact List has data from your VAN, you can create a group from your VAN-imported list. During group creation from the External Contact List, the system automatically maps the VAN custom field for that list and cannot be unmapped. The remaining VAN Custom Field cannot be mapped as it is not functional for that list.

ThruText < >  VAN integration

Please click this link for our library of ThruText VAN Integration articles. A ThruText VAN sync requires a functional key, groups that have their VAN IDs mapped, and VAN-imported survey questions. Additional information can be found in our ThruText VAN articles.

ThruTalk < > VAN integration

Please click this link for our library of ThruTalk VAN integration articles. A ThruTalk VAN sync requires a functional key, groups that have their VAN IDs mapped, and a script with VAN-imported survey questions. Additional information can be found in our ThruTalk VAN articles.

If you have any questions, please reach out to support at [email protected].