What's in my csv?
When an export is created in ThruText, a csv is generated. This article details every column in each csv for exports from ThruText. ThruText and ThruTalk exports are separate, and you can read more about ThruTalk exports.
NOTE - Segments and Message Error data will not be displayed for dates prior to June 2023.
Interested in a video demonstration on Exports? Please check out our video How to Export Your Data.
- Message Exports
- Survey Exports
- Campaign Exports
- Conversation Exports
- Opt-Out Exports
- User Exports
- Tags Exports
Message Exports
Message exports include full-text message details for all incoming and outgoing messages. Message exports are available as a campaign export, an account export, or a nightly S3 export. This report includes the following data:
- inserted_at — The time the message had its "Send" button clicked. All timestamps are tracked in UTC** time.
- updated_at — The time the message last updated its status or error message. All timestamps are tracked in UTC** time.
- message_id — Unique ID of the message.
- message_direction — Indicates if the message was incoming, outgoing, incoming media (MMS), voicemail, or call.
- message_body — Full body of the message or link to media.
- media_content — If the message was an MMS, the file name of the media will be shown in this column.
- message_status — The status of the message at the time of the export.
- message_segment_count — The total number of segments in each outgoing message, including unbillable error and status messages.
- message_error_code — Our provider's numerical message error code if an error is encountered during sending. The field will be blank if the message doesn't have a message error.
- message_error_type — The name of the message_error_code from our provider.
- billable — Values are "Y", "N", or the field is blank. A blank field is an incoming message, media, or call. "Y" signifies that the message is billable and outgoing. "N" signifies that the message is outgoing and NOT billable due to the message_status or message_error_code.
- sender_first_name — Message sender's first name associated with their ThruText profile (outgoing only).
- sender_last_name — Message sender's last name associated with their ThruText profile (outgoing only).
- sender_phone — Message sender's phone number associated with their ThruText profile (outgoing only).
- sender_email — Message sender's email associated with their ThruText profile (outgoing only).
- campaign_id — Unique ID of the campaign.
- campaign_name — The campaign name.
- conversation_id — Unique ID of the conversation.
- conversation_phone — The outgoing phone number used to send the text message from your campaign.
- contact_id — Unique ID of the contact (this is a unique value for a contact phone within a group)
- contact_first_name — Contact's first name details at the time of the export.
- contact_last_name — Contact's last name details at the time of the export.
- contact_phone — Contact's phone number details at the time of the export
- custom_field_1* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
- custom_field_2* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
- custom_field_3* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
Survey Exports
Survey exports include your survey questions, the campaigns they are attached to, and the survey response data collected by texters. Survey exports are available as a campaign export, an account export, or a nightly S3 export. This report includes the following data:
- campaign_id — Unique ID of the campaign.
- campaign_name — The campaign name.
- conversation_id — Unique ID of the conversation.
- survey_id — Unique ID of the survey question.
- survey_question — The survey question.
- survey_type — Indicates if the survey question is yes/no, multiple choice (pick one), check box (pick many), or freeform.
- response — Survey response collected for that contact.
- contact_id — Unique ID of the contact (this is a unique value for a contact phone within a group)
- contact_first_name — Contact's first name details at the time of the export.
- contact_last_name — Contact's last name details at the time of the export.
- contact_phone — Contact's phone number details at the time of the export
- updated_at — The timestamp of the most recent data collection. All timestamps are tracked in UTC** time.
- sync_status — Indicates if a survey status is no_sync, syncing, synced, or failed.
- custom_field_1* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
- custom_field_2* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
- custom_field_3* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
Campaign Exports
Campaign exports give you an overview of the campaigns across your account. Campaign exports are only available as an account-level export and will produce data for all campaigns whose start date is between the export's start and end date. This report includes the following data:
- campaign_id — Unique ID of the campaign.
- campaign_name — The campaign name.
- campaign_status — Indicates if a campaign status is active, archived, or paused.
- campaign_start_date — The start date and time of the campaign. All campaigns with a "start date" within the date range designated will be included in the report. Admins can pull one week of campaigns at a time.
- campaign_end_date — The end date and time of the campaign.
- campaign_archived_at — The timestamp when of when a campaign was archived.
- campaign_tags — Lists any tags on the campaign.
- conversations_count — The total conversations on the campaign.
- Conversation Status Counts:
- unstarted_count — The total un-started conversations remaining on the campaign at the time of the export.
- initial_failed_count — The total of initial messages not successfully sent on the campaign at the time of the export.
- initial_sent_count — The total initial messages sent on the campaign at the time of the export that have not been replied to (a reply would tag the conversation with one of the other statuses listed here).
- needs_reply_count — The total conversations with an incoming message last on the thread (but not in an archived status) at the time of the export.
- replied_count — The total conversations where the contact replied at the time of the export.
- complete_count — The total number of archived and opted out conversations at the time of the export.
- opted_out_contacts_count — The total number of contacts on that campaign who were opted out at the time of the export. Note, because opt-outs are account-wide, this does not denote if the contact was opted on via this particular campaign.
- total_outgoing_sms_messages_count — The total number of outgoing SMS messages sent on the campaign.
- total_outgoing_sms_segments_count — The total number of SMS segments included in the outgoing messages sent on the campaign.
- total_outgoing_mms_messages_count — The total number of outgoing MMS messages sent on the campaign.
Conversation Exports
Conversation exports include every conversation in a campaign with outgoing/incoming message details as well as the assignee for each conversation. Conversation exports are only available as a campaign-level export. This report includes the following data:
- campaign_id — Unique ID of the campaign.
- campaign_name — The campaign name.
- conversation_id — Unique ID of the conversation.
- conversation_phone — The outgoing phone number used to send the text message from your campaign.
- contact_id — Unique ID of the contact (this is a unique value for a contact phone within a group)
- contact_first_name — Contact's first name details at the time of the export.
- contact_last_name — Contact's last name details at the time of the export.
- contact_phone — Contact's phone number details at the time of the export.
- contact_opted_out — Indicates if the contact phone was opted out at the time of the export. Manual opt outs will be listed as 'manual' while auto opt outs will be listed as 'auto.'
- assignee_first_name — The first name of the person assigned the conversation at the time of export.
- assignee_last_name — The last name of the person assigned the conversation at the time of export.
- assignee_phone — The phone number of the person assigned the conversation at the time of export.
- assignee_email — The email of the person assigned the conversation at the time of export.
- outgoing_sms — The number of outgoing SMS messages sent in the conversation thread at the time of export.
- outgoing_sms_segments — The number of SMS segments included in the outgoing messages sent in the conversation thread at the time of export.
- outgoing_sms_messages_failed — The number of outgoing SMS failed messages sent in the conversation thread at the time of export.
- outgoing_mms — The number of outgoing MMS messages sent in the conversation thread at the time of export.
- outgoing_mms_messages_failed — The number of outgoing MMS failed messages sent in the conversation thread at the time of export.
- incoming_sms — The number of incoming SMS messages received in the conversation thread at the time of export.
- incoming_calls — The number of incoming calls received in the conversation thread at the time of export.
- incoming_voicemails — The number of incoming voicemails left in the conversation thread at the time of export.
- incoming_mms — The number of MMS (media) messages received in the conversation thread at the time of export.
- custom_field_1* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
- custom_field_2* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
- custom_field_3* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
Opt Out Exports
Opt Out exports will produce a CSV of every opt-out across your organization. When a phone number is opted out, the Opt Out export will confirm that the phone number was opted out of every group it had previously been uploaded in. If a previously opted out phone number is uploaded in a new group, an additional entry will be added to the Opt Out export confirming that the phone number is opted out of that new group. Opt Out exports are available as an account export or a nightly s3 export. This report will include the following data:
- timestamp — The time the message was sent. All timestamps are tracked in UTC** time.
- contact_id — Unique ID of the contact (this is a unique value for a contact phone within a group)
- contact_first_name — Contact's first name details at the time of the export.
- contact_last_name — Contact's last name details at the time of the export.
- contact_phone — Contact's phone number details at the time of the export
- conversation_id — The unique ID of the conversation.
- note — Indicates who collected the opt-out and how (either through a campaign or via a tool within the admin opt-out management page).
- opt_out_type — Indicates if the opt out was manual via the opt out button or auto via the automated opt out feature.
- custom_field_1* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
- custom_field_2* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
- custom_field_3* — Determined by the account's designated custom fields.
User Exports
User exports will produce a CSV of every user across your organization. User exports are only available as an account-level export. This report includes the following data:
- first_name — User's first name associated with their ThruText profile.
- last_name — User's last name associated with their ThruText profile.
- phone — User's phone number associated with their ThruText profile.
- email — User's email associated with their ThruText profile.
- role — Indicates the role assigned to the user on your organization's account – message sender, moderator, or admin.
- created_at — The date the user joined your organization. All timestamps are tracked in UTC** time.
- last_updated — A timestamp of the last time the user updated their ThruText profile. All timestamps are tracked in UTC** time.
Tags Exports
Tags exports will produce a CSV of all the campaigns within a selected month with the number of outgoing messages per campaign and any tags you may have applied to these campaigns. Tags exports are only available as an account-level export. The selected month will be in UTC time. This report includes the following data:
- campaign_id — Unique ID of the campaign.
- campaign_name — The campaign name.
- total_conversations — The total number of conversations per campaign within the selected month.
- outgoing_sms_messages — The total number of outgoing SMS messages per campaign within the selected month.
- outgoing_sms_segments — The total number of segments included in the outgoing messages per campaign within the selected month.
- outgoing_sms_messages_failed — The total number of failed outgoing SMS messages per campaign within the selected month.
- outgoing_mms_messages — The total number of outgoing MMS messages per campaign within the selected month.
- outgoing_mms_messages_failed — The total number of failed outgoing MMS messages per campaign within the selected month.
- tags — Lists any tags on the campaign.
*Uniquely identifying custom fields that are included in export files are determined by the account admins. For more on setting up unique identifiers, see our user guide on Custom Fields.
**Time Zones -- All exports are based in UTC, which is 4 hours ahead of EDT, 5 hours ahead of EST, and 7 hours ahead of PDT. Here's what time it is in UTC right now!