Exporting GetThru data to your AWS S3 bucket
GetThru offers the option to export your ThruText and ThruTalk data directly into an Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 bucket. In order to make use of this option, your organization will need to give our application access to send files to your Amazon S3 bucket, which we would then configure with one or many of your GetThru accounts.
All S3 exports are generated at approximately 1am PT every night.
The time span for each report is 12:00am PT to 11:59pm PT. This corresponds to 7:00am UTC to 6:59pm UTC (time stamps for our reports are in UTC).
ThruText S3 Exports
Each GetThru account configured with an S3 bucket will generate three ThruText reports:
- ThruText opt-out report
- ThruText messages report
- ThruText surveys report
We will send these files regardless of whether there was any texting activity on a given day.
For information on the contents of those reports check out ThruText Export Types.
ThrutTalk S3 Exports
Each GetThru account with ThruTalk set up and an S3 bucket configured will receive the following report every night, regardless of whether there was calling activity the previous day:
- ThruTalk caller activity details report
The following report will only be sent if if calls were made during the previous day:
- ThruTalk campaign dials report
For more information about the ThruTalk data sent to your S3 bucket, refer to ThruTalk Export Types.
NOTE - If your account includes both ThruText and ThruTalk, the data for each will be directed into the same bucket in separate folders.
For more information on getting started using the nightly export option, please email [email protected]