Conversations Overview page reassignments

There are two ways to reassign conversations, at the campaign level on the Conversations Overview page and the individual conversation level. This article details how to use the two reassignment strategies on Conversations Overview page:

  • Bulk Reassignment is helpful when you run large campaigns and want to move conversations across all your senders based on different statuses.
  • Reassigning from a Sender line is useful when you need to move some or all conversations of a single status to unassigned or to another sender.

Before reassigning, add and remove senders

ThruText allows you to reassign messages among senders. If you need to add new senders before you reassign, you can add them on the Senders tab of your active campaign.

Bulk Reassign

Bulk Reassignment is done on the Conversations Overview page of your active campaign. To access the Conversations Overview page, open the Conversations tab at the top of your active campaign

Next, on the Conversations Overview page, click the Bulk Reassign drop-down.

This will give you access to three options, outlined below: 

  • Bulk Unassign All
  • Bulk Reassign Some
  • Bulk Reassign All

Bulk Unassign All

If you want to take all conversations away from all your senders, regardless of reply status, you can move all of them in one swoop back to "Unassigned" by selecting "Bulk Unassign All."

Bulk Reassign Some 

If you choose "Bulk Reassign Some," you can choose how many conversations, what status you'd like the messages to be in when you reassign them, and who you'd like to assign them to. At the bulk level, you can select multiple users to redistribute messages to:

In the above example, there are a total of 288 conversations. 6 conversations will be reassigned, regardless of their reply status to Lindsey and Abby. The results would be 282 conversations in "Unassigned," with 3 conversations assigned to Abby and 3 to Lindsey.

Bulk Reassign All

If you choose to "Bulk Reassign All," you can choose what status you'd like the messages to be in when you reassign them, and they will be divided amongst the selected senders.

In the above example, there are 288 conversations, 31 of which are started, (of which 6 need a reply,) all in "Unassigned." By using the "Bulk Reassign All" function, I am going to move the 257 not started conversations to Lindsey. 31 conversation would remain in "Unassigned." Because Abby has 0 conversations, the "Reassign" drop down on her line is greyed out.

Reassign from a sender line

Also done from the Conversations Overview page, reassigning from the sender line allows you to move some or all conversations from a specific sender to unassigned or another sender. Reassigning to unassigned is useful if you want to move all "Not Started" conversations to Unassigned so that they can be used for Self Assignment

In the above example, all conversations are assigned to Lindsey. By clicking the "Reassign" drop-down to the right of her name, I am going to move all the "Not Started" conversations to Unassigned so that other senders can use their Self Assignment "Request More" button.

Statuses used in reassignment

  • Any - This will move any messages regardless of status.
  • Needs Reply - This will only move conversations where a contact has replied and is in need of a reply (the conversations that are indicated with a blue dot).
  • Not Started - This will only move conversations where the initial message has not been sent yet.