How to preview your script during creation

When creating a script, the Script Preview feature is a helpful feature to determine how it will appear for callers during live calling. This is a great way to prove your logic when using Branching Scripts.

To preview your script during creation, access the Script Preview tab next to your Script Builder tab:

Screenshot of the Script Builder Tab highlighted with a green rectangle below the script's name.

You can move through the questions in the Script Preview and confirm the desired question options and branching are set up:

Screenshot of two survey questions in the script preview. The answered question is highlighted in dark grey with a white button with blue text below. The unanswered question has a pink button below it.

If you want to make any edits to the script, you can return to the Script Builder tab and edit the question content or branching as needed:

Screenshot of the "Edit" button highlighted with a green rectangle to the top right of a survey question.

Instant Follow Up messages cannot be tested from the admin script preview, but they can be tested using the caller version of script previews once a campaign has been launched.

For details on the script creation and editing process, please review our guides Scripts for Your ThruTalk Account and Managing Scripts in ThruTalk.

You can use variables in your script to pull in custom data. Please check out our How to Add Custom Data on the Calling Page and in the Script guide for details.