Viewing usage for many accounts in one place

For admins of organizations that run multiple subaccounts, you can now see a history of all your network usage in one place! 

Screenshot showing 6 boxes of numbers above a table listing different accounts.

In the above example, our "Sales Demo" account is considered the "primary" account. Admins on the "Sales Demo" account can see the usage for all accounts in their network, but admins only in the"Support Training Demo" subaccount, for example, cannot see this table.

Definition of columns

  • Account ID & Name - The name of the subaccount within your network and its GetThru ID number. (The ID numbers have been removed from the above screenshot.)
  • Messaged Contacts - The number of contacts who received a billable message within this subaccount in the given month.
  • SMS Messages - The total number of messages sent by this subaccount in the given month. Does not include unbillable message errors or unbillable statuses.
  • SMS Segments - The number of segments sent by this subaccount in the given month. Does not include segments in unbillable errored messages or unbillable statuses.
    • NOTE - SMS Segment totals are complete for June 2023 and after. May 2023 totals contain partial data. Before May 2023, SMS Segments were not recorded.
  • MMS Messages - The number of media messages sent by this subaccount in the given month. Does not include unbillable message errors or unbillable statuses
    • NOTE - MMS messaging is only available on accounts with MMS approved use cases.
  • Dials - These are all calls completed in that calendar month in UTC. Dials completed include all calls made, excluding the ones marked with a not dialed result.
    • NOTE - You are not charged for not dialed results. 
  • Called Contacts - These are the unique contacts who have received a billable call in that calendar month.
  • Last update - Amount of time since the totals were updated. During the current month, the numbers update nightly. After a month has ended, the last update was on the last day of that month.

Accessing your subaccount usage

When in the primary account, the link to the sub-account usage page will be at the top of the primary account's Usage Analytics. The button will be labeled "Subaccounts Usage" and will take you to a usage page for all subaccounts connected, similar to the example above.  

The Network Account Usage table defaults to the current month. To access previous months, use the drop-down in the top right corner.