How to use ThruTalk to make calls

Connecting to ThruTalk

Click the Calling link in the top bar to bring you to your calling assignments page.

Find the calling assignment, then click on the "Start Calling" button on the right side. For more info on assignments, check out our guide: ThruTalk Assignments.

If you are previewing the calling script, hit the "Start Calling" button in the left panel to begin:

You'll be asked, "How would you like to make calls?"

To make calls on your computer, click "Connect with my computer." If this is your first time making calls on your browser or if you've cleared your browser data, ThruTalk will need permission to use your microphone. Click "Allow" on the pop-up. 

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NOTE - Do not click the "Block" button, as it will prevent microphone access between your device and Microphone access is necessary to make calls.

Once you're prepped to make calls, click on the "Ready to Make Calls" button.
Alternatively, you can call using your phone by clicking "Connect with my phone," and we will call you to establish a connection.

NOTE - If you want to call in with your phone under a different number than the one connected to your user profile, please follow the instructions in this guide.

If your phone is not ringing, click "My phone isn't ringing" in the bottom left corner and visit this article to troubleshoot. 

Once you're prepped to make calls, click on the "Ready to Make Calls" button.

Sit tight while we find someone for you to talk to!

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When you are calling in ThruTalk the status indicator will be "Connected." When you are connected to a call recipient, the name of the contact will be visible. You should start talking to your contact as soon as you can see the screen change.

Connected to ThruTalk

NOTE - If you hang up the phone you are calling in from, your calling session will end and you will see a "You are no longer connected to the calling session." banner.

After connecting to ThruTalk

Once connected, you will see the Contact Details on the right. Admins may choose to hide the contact's phone number. Please reach out to your calling admins for more information.

Each of your script questions will be in the center of the screen. Scroll down to read through each question as the conversation progresses. Click on an answer in each question to move to the next question in the script.

Active calling

Next, fill in your answer and click "Save & Next Step" to continue.

Once you've reached the end of your script, you will see this message:

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NOTE 1 - Please be aware that for live calling, scrolling back up and editing a script's multiple-choice answers will remove responses inputted for any questions that follow the one edited. 


NOTE 2 - While calling, be sure to refrain from refreshing the page or closing the tab unless absolutely necessary. If you do need to refresh or close in the middle of an active calling session, a pop-up box should appear asking you to confirm your choice before continuing. 

reload site prompt box

Once the script has been finished, you can click the blue "END CALL" button at the top right of your screen. You can scroll through the script and make any changes if necessary.

If the target has hung up, you will hear an audible disconnected tone, and the "END CALL" button will change to a "Ready for Next Call" button.

If the target you've spoken to wants to prevent future calls from your organization, you can click on "Add to Do Not Call List." You will also be able to click this button during and after the call has ended.

When you're ready, click "Ready for Next Call" to resume dialing.

If you are done calling, click on the "End Calling Session" in the top left of your screen.

Only click "End Calling Session" if you are finished making calls or need an extended break. Do not end a calling session after each call as it negatively impacts other callers.

End Calling Session

You will know you have finished your calling list when the following appears: 

For a walk-through of making calls in ThruTalk, please check out our video How to Make Calls