For contacts that call your campaigns
Create, edit, and reset the text of your voicemail greeting for your account from within your Admin dashboard.
NOTE - When contacts call the phone number they were texted or called from, they will hear either the default voicemail greeting or a custom one you've created. Voicemails left by contacts can be found in ThruText conversations, whereas voicemails left for ThruTalk numbers are not saved at this time. To get in touch with contacts who call ThruTalk, consider sharing contact information for your organization in your voicemail greeting.
- Navigating to the voicemail greeting page
- To create a voicemail greeting
- To edit voicemail greeting
- To reset to the default voicemail greeting:
Navigating to the voicemail greeting page
Begin by selecting Voicemail Greeting from the 'Account Tools' dropdown on the left:
To create a voicemail greeting
Type the greeting you would like for your account's voicemail and click the "Create Voicemail Greeting" button:
For proper pronunciation of robo voicemail greeting, write your message as phonetically as you can to ensure accuracy of reading.
To edit voicemail greeting
Click "Edit" to make any adjustments or update your greeting.
To reset to the default voicemail greeting:
Click "Revert to Default" and then confirm "Ok" to go back to the default voicemail that reads:
"Thank you for calling [Organization Name]. The person who texted you has been notified of your call. You can also leave a voicemail after the beep."
Once you've entered the new desired message, click "Update Voicemail Greeting." All set!
NOTE - There is not an option to leave automated voicemails for calling campaigns.