VAN contact info that isn't available via the API

VAN has an extensive selection of custom data fields available to their clients, varying from state to state. For this reason, VAN only exposes a set amount of these fields through the API.

But not to worry! This doesn't mean you can't use these fields in GetThru. It just means you have to upload your file manually. 

Step by Step

To use the full array of VAN custom fields available to you in your VAN committee that aren't available via the API:

  1. On the GetThru side, you will first need to ensure that you have already created the custom fields you want to map.
  2. Next, you will want to export your Saved List from VAN, including the VAN ID (and/or VAN Campaign ID) and any additional data fields you'd like uploaded into GetThru. (You can also map to both the VAN ID and VAN Campaign ID if needed — we have instructions on how to do that here .)
  3. Finally, you will upload your file (in CSV format) to GetThru, being sure to map the correct custom fields during group upload.
Make sure you map the VAN ID field, or you won't be able to use your imported VAN survey questions or sync back from GetThru.

NOTE - Lists imported through the VAN API only have one set of VAN IDs that correspond to the side of VAN from which this list originated (MyVoters or EveryAction/MyCampaign). The system automatically maps the VAN Custom Fields for External Contact List group creation, ensuring the correct field is mapped, and the incorrect field is unmapped.