Recording data about your conversations

Most of your assignments will have one or more survey questions connected to them. These questions represent the data that your administrators want you to collect. One of your key jobs as a message sender is to accurately fill these survey questions out. Survey questions are how organizations know how recipients are responding to messages and are often used to target follow-up communications. 

Filling in survey questions is easy. All you have to do is look at the contacts' responses and register what they are telling you. You will find your survey questions in the Survey Tab in the Right Side Bar of the messenger console, which will appear on your screen only after you have sent out all of your initial messages.

There are four different types of survey questions that your organization can create on a campaign: 


Screenshot of the Survey tab with a Yes/No question at the top. The 'Yes' and 'No' options are each to the right of an empty circle.

Multiple Choice

This will allow you to only pick one answer as a response with a circular radio button. 

Screenshot of a multiple choice survey where the different options are each to the right of an empty circle. There is a green rectangle around the empty circles and a note in green text "Circle = Pick one."

NOTE - Radio buttons cannot be unclicked.


This will allow you to pick multiple responses with square checkboxes. 

Screenshot of a checkbox survey where the different options are each to the right of an empty squares. There is a green rectangle around the empty squares and a note in green text "Checkboxes = pick multiple"

Here's a set of survey questions before it is filled in:

A screenshot of 3 survey questions where all survey questions are unanswered. (No circles or checkboxes are filled in)

And here's what it looks like after filling the surveys in. Note the blue dot in a Y/N question or the check in the checkboxes means your response has been recorded. 

A screenshot of 3 survey questions where all survey questions have been answered. The survey questions with circles have only one answer but the checkbox has 2 our of 4 checkboxes filled in.


Filling in freeform survey questions is slightly different than Y/N or multiple choice in that you will need to click "Save" after editing text within the box:

Screenshot of freeform survey question. The name of the question is in a header that is dark grey on a very light grey background above an empty text input box. Below the box is a blue and white 'Save' button.

NOTE - Freeform questions have a maximum character limit of 2,000 characters.